Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Bubble Column Reactors - some links to more information

Posted by Rachel

1) You might want to check out this link:

It takes you to a book which has a pretty comprehensive chapter (chapter 8) on bubble column reactors plus some diagrams and so on. It gives examples of different types of bubble reactor and some applications. Some of the content is restricted (unless you want to pay for it) but you're able to read a few pages before it decides to blur out the rest.

2) Also this link: from the University of Amsterdam

It has some excellent pictures of reactors and a comprehensive theory section which is good for getting some solid background information on  the reactors.

3) Also see this link:

It takes you to a collection of slides which have some good schematic diagrams plus some pictures of reactors and also goes into the modelling aspect of these reactors.

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